Sunday, March 29, 2009

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Forest Research Institute of India,Dehradun

The Forest Research Institute (FRI) is an institute of the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education and is a premier institution in the field of forestry research in India. It is located at Dehradun in Uttarakhand. It was established in 1906 and is one of the oldest institutions of its kind.

The Institute's history is vertually synonymous with the evolution and development of scientific forestry, not only in India, but over the entire Indian sub-continent. Set in a lush green estate spread over 450 hectares, with the outer Himalaya forming its back drop, the Institute's main building is an impressive edifice, marrying Greco-Roman and Colonial styles of architecture, with a plinth area of 2.5 equipped laboratories,library, herbarium, arboreta, printing press and experimental field areas for conducting forestry research, quite in keeping with the best of its kind anywhere in the world.

Its museums, in addition to being a valuable source of scientific information, are a major attraction for tourists.

FRI and College Area campus is a census town, between Dehradun Cantonment in the north and The Indian Military Academy to the south. The Tons River forms its Western Boundary.

Officers of the Indian Forest Service are trained here, as the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education that runs the Institute also runs the IFS, as well as the Wildlife Institute of India and Indian Institute of Forest Management.

The research perspectives of the Institute focus on:

  • Production and certification of quality seed/planting materials relating to important tree species of its zone of reference.

  • Social forestry.

  • Eco-rehabilitation of the central Himalayas of U.P. & Uttarakhand.

  • Utilisation of wood and development of non-wood forest products.

  • Afforestation techniques for strees sites and wastelands.

  • Introduction of high yielding species, e.g., paulownia,poplars and other species of economic importance.

  • Cultivation techniques for Bamboos (including edible varieties).

  • Use of VAM, rhizobia, frankia as biofertilisers.

For further information, please contact :

Forest Research Institute (FRI)
(Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education)
P.O. New Forests
E-Mail :

For more information click here

1 Response to "Forest Research Institute of India,Dehradun"
Unknown said :
September 11, 2009 at 2:49 AM
in FRI there some places like FRI meuseum, main buildings,bautnical garden. do not miss the chance to visit the FRI campus

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